Board Certified Neuropsychologist
Assessment, Individual and Family Consultation, Medicolegal Services
How Should I Prepare For My Visit?
Complete intake paperwork in advance via the Patient Portal.
Bring your photo ID and relevant medical records, including prior neuropsychological reports if applicable, or upload these documents via the Patient Portal.
It is important to get a good night sleep and arrive for your visit well hydrated and fed.
Take your medications as usual unless you are directly instructed to do otherwise. Bring any medication you may need during the day.
If applicable, bring eyeglasses, hearing aids, and any assistive walking devices you may need.
Dress comfortably. You may wish to bring a light layer.
Water, coffee, tea, and snacks are available but you are welcome to bring a bottle of water and a snack. There is a cafe on the main floor if needed.
Testing does not involve scans, wires, needles, or any invasive measures. It is normal to feel some level of fatigue after testing.
Some tests may feel familiar from school; however, testing is not "graded" or pass/fail and is also not the type of testing you can study for. Most people find some tests seem easy and others difficult. It is important to exert your best effort in order to obtain results that are useful for you and your doctor.